Tuesday, May 11, 2010


One day I just started searching communities related to drawing kind of things on some social networking sites. Many hours gone in searching, searching and searching...


After a long time, I encountered one community in which all the relevant things about sketching were given like what kind of paper one should use to draw, kinds of pencil, instruments, and other small small tips that one should use while sketching. At that point of time, my intention was not to adopt and follow any artist. I was just passing my time watching dissimilar talents of people and praising work done by them.
While surfing, I found a profile of a person and i just got amazed after seeing his fabulous work done by using different pencils only. Nobody can believe that one can do such a realistic work. That was the moment when I got inspired by his sketching.

In me, this talent is inherited. I have won many awards and prizes in drawings at school level. But due to my busy schedules I never tried my hands on drawings after my schooling as I have forgotten it.

At that moment I was not able to hold myself. And coincidentally one simple pencil was lying on my table (which don't lie usually) and I thought to start with it. After some hours, I came out with a sketch of 'An Angel' which I referred from some website. After completing I realized that I still possess that talent and I should give it a try again. Apparently, I got a little confidence after completing the sketch but still it was not enough. Then I realized that I have to practice more to get a perfect draw of the anatomy. 
Then following tips from here n there I got many ideas to draw but it didn't work at the beginning. But I never give up; I started trying again and again ruining many sheet and pencils, practicing and experimenting with different anatomies of people. Since then I am still experimenting with different pencils and other material.

One thing I have experienced in sketching that as much time you will provide to your work, that much charm it would hold. Because trying to complete quickly means leaving many parts un-sketched, as a result, it do not look good or real one. So patience is the key for the perfect produce.

Now I am addicted to sketching and whenever I get a little leisure time I start with it.