Monday, May 9, 2011


Well what can i say about her. I think she was the first pop singer whose songs I love to hear. "I am with You","Complicated" and "Losing grip" been my favorite songs of that time.
This was my first attempt in drawing a face of a celebrity with pencil colors. I completed drawing her sketch with an ease listening her songs. I found her hairs a little difficult to color. Firstly because I wasn't having the particular shade matching her hairs color but somehow I managed by mixing strokes of yellow and brown color but still I didn't find it perfectly sketched.
After coloring her hairs I got struck thinking about the background. At first I thought to keep it blank just putting a little color around her. But again I thought to make the background using Beehive pattern(another experiment). I started with the pattern but then I got bored as I wasn't getting what I wanted because of lack of color quality. So I kept the remaining part with the simple color.
All in all I enjoyed drawing her and making somebody's portrait with color. It was fun and experimental too. :P

Material Used:  Color Pencils, Eraser, Tissue for blending, A4 cartridge Sheet.