Monday, May 28, 2012


Posted by KANIKA CHANDOLIA On 12:16 AM

Material Used : Graphite, eraser, tissue paper, cartridge sheet.  

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Well this little girl is my best friend's niece. She's finally at an age where she can pose a little and I really love it. She's adorable and very cute. She resembles my best friend a lot and I love the way she do all the naughty stuff around. :P
I wanted to draw something special and at the same time wanted to play with pastels. I always asked by my friends and family to make their sketches once. So I thought to make something special for my best friend - 'Manisha' for whom I never made anything.
In this drawing I have manipulated her clothes while putting alphabets on it. Secondly I tried hard to make her furry blanket but because of lack of edgy pastels I wasn't able to make that much fur. And left it while putting a little bit sparkly effect using white pastel.
All and all I loved making her especially her clothes :) and hope Manisha would like it too :)

Material Used - Dry Pastels, Tissue Papers

Thursday, May 17, 2012


This drawing I made for my friend HAWAI(nick name). She was asking me to draw her from a very long time. So I thought to draw her with her fiancĂ© and give her a surprise gift on her wedding day. 
I was not having any combined picture of them for my reference. But I managed to get their solo pictures from here and there(which was really tuff to pick). The picture of her fiancĂ© got perfectly matched the way I wanted. But still left with her picture that can fit with him. Then again I searched loads of pictures in which I can find her little leaned towards her left, but I got nothing suitable. Finally I experimented with my skills and made her leaned on her fiance so that it look sweet and tender.
I wanted to give a twilight touch in the background, but was not having any reference picture to draw. So again I thought to make it myself but because of lack of reference and experience, background didn't come out the way I wanted. I admit that I should have done more finishing in the clouds but I had to get done with other packaging stuff with this portrait in a very short time, so I left with what I had attain.

Firstly, I wanted to do this picture with graphite. But then I realized that it would not go with the occasion, and that's when her life is getting more colors. So i finally decided to make this sketch in color and picked dry pastels to start with. This was my first complete drawing made by pastels. It took me approximately 12 hours to complete(not in a one day though).

Material Used : Dry Pastels

~Made by Charcoal ~