Saturday, May 19, 2012


Well this little girl is my best friend's niece. She's finally at an age where she can pose a little and I really love it. She's adorable and very cute. She resembles my best friend a lot and I love the way she do all the naughty stuff around. :P
I wanted to draw something special and at the same time wanted to play with pastels. I always asked by my friends and family to make their sketches once. So I thought to make something special for my best friend - 'Manisha' for whom I never made anything.
In this drawing I have manipulated her clothes while putting alphabets on it. Secondly I tried hard to make her furry blanket but because of lack of edgy pastels I wasn't able to make that much fur. And left it while putting a little bit sparkly effect using white pastel.
All and all I loved making her especially her clothes :) and hope Manisha would like it too :)

Material Used - Dry Pastels, Tissue Papers