Wednesday, March 26, 2008


After school, this was the first time when I made this sketch. That was a day when I was having summer vacations from my college. I was so bored with the daily routine that I thought to praise other artist's work on some social networking site. I got loads of inspirations from budding and professional artists while surfing different profiles. I wasn't able to stop myself from sketching and trying my hand on it. I randomly took the pencil lying nearby and referred a picture of an angel from the internet and started making it. I wasn't very much aware of blending and proportions while making a sketch that time. I just wanted to have a little fun doing sketching to overcome my boredom. But I was so happy with what I came out in the end, been away from drawing since a very long time :)
I hope you will like it !!

Material Used - Regular Pencil.